What is arthritis? How to relieve arthritis pain and treat it?

Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects one or more joints in the human body. This can cause pain, discomfort and limit the ability to move. Types of arthritis can include osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis, gout, and others. What are the types of arthritis? Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is the most common type [...]

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Which is better: a fascia roll or a massage gun?

Many people use self-massage tools such as fascia rollers and massage guns to massage tense and painful muscles. These tools are also especially popular among sports enthusiasts who often face stiffness and pain in the post-workout muscles. Although both of these products are recommended for body wellness [...]

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Body Mass Index Calculator

Body mass index (BMI) is a commonly used method for determining excess weight. Body mass index is used to assess whether or not a person is overweight. This is a very easy to use and calculate method. To calculate the body mass index, it is necessary to [...]

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6 exercises to treat plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of pain around the heel. This condition can cause sharp, stabbing pain in the lower part of the heel. As a rule, the symptoms are felt at the movements, often more pronounced in the mornings at the first [...]

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Aesthetic theatricality with kinesiological teip

For most people, kinesiological theorizing can be associated with sports or physiotherapy. However, kinesiological teips are also used for other purposes, such as aesthetic tattooing or “Beauty taping”. Aesthetic teipping methods are used to combat wrinkles. What are the benefits of facial tattooing? The kinesiological teip for [...]

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Sports tattooing – for injury prevention

The method of sports stretching is used to limit unwanted, potentially dangerous movements in the joints. Sports tattooing can be used for both prevention and rehabilitation purposes. For example, to avoid ankle sprain or dislocation, ankles are often tattooed in sports such as football and basketball. For [...]

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Lateral epicondylitis – tips on how to treat it

Lateral epicondylitis is a common inflammation of the tendons of the elbow flexor muscles, also known as the tennis elbow. Tendons connect muscles with bones and are often susceptible to exertion. Excessive load (for example, tennis or squash training) can be the cause of inflammation of the [...]

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Physical activity in the fight against osteoporosis!

Osteoporosis is a condition that recommends 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men. Osteoporosis is associated with a decrease in bone density, which can make a person susceptible to fractures. Osteoporosis can progress gradually, without any symptoms, without a person really knowing about it until [...]

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Sports, recovery and overload injuries

Physical activity and sports are important for the health of every person. However, physical activity and sports also have a serious side effect – injuries. Most often, acute injuries are heard about – for example, a bruise or abrasion of the leg in a football match, a [...]

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6 tips on how to choose the right massage gun

Massage guns (also called percussive therapy guns) are massage devices that can be used near any area of the muscles. They are used for general muscle pain and tension, and are often used before/after workouts. Massage guns help to warm up the muscles before training, as well [...]

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How to treat ankle sprains?

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries in sports. Especially often ankle sprains occur in dynamic sports, where there are changes in directions of movement, jumps, stumbles, etc. Ankle sprains often occur in team sports such as football, volleyball and basketball. However, the ankle can [...]

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Who should be in the first-aid kit?

When working with both youth and adult sports teams, the medical bag and its composition are important. A physiotherapist in sports teams often performs the role of both a physiotherapist and a “doctor”. With teams to often have to go to games as well and not do [...]

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Hedgehogs, balls, surfaces, bases – for a full-fledged balance training

A sense of balance is a very important ability of the body, because without a developed sense of balance, such body movement skills as sitting, walking, running, jumping and playing sports would be unthinkable. A sense of balance is the basis of all movements. Balance training is [...]

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Naqi massage wax – a favorite in choosing a massager!

To perform high-quality massage and various soft tissue techniques, therapists use massage products – massage lotions, oils, creams, as well as massage wax. Massage products improve the quality of massage therapy, creating a deeper massage effect, and also give the therapist more control over massage techniques and [...]

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How can small cross-stretches help against pain?

Crossteips – who are they? Small crossroads offer an innovative treatment method by providing acupuncture or acupressure-like treatment without the use of needles. Crosstones are used at the treatment of trigger points, acupuncture points, tense muscles, headaches, aching joints. The cross-country method was developed in Asia, mainly [...]

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AIREX® fitness and exercise mats

Do you need a gymnastic or yoga mat? AIREX® brand exercise mats are a great choice – they are lightweight, comfortable and non-slip. AIREX® exercise mats are available in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors – designed for every user. The AIREX® brand comes from Switzerland [...]

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Why is early load important after soft tissue injuries?

Often, in physiotherapy classes, patients after soft tissue injuries (sprains of muscles, ligaments, tendons) have asked “why” and whether it is allowed to perform exercises after injuries at all – at other times even several weeks after the injury, when all the acute symptoms have already passed. [...]

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How to choose the right massage couch?

No matter how experienced a specialist you are, finding a suitable massage couch can be a challenge. There are so many different options on the market to choose from and the purchase of a massage couch needs to be thought out so that you are as satisfied [...]

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Aerify Cryoboots cryocompression system – what is it?

When treating injuries, cryotherapy is a great helper – cryotherapy has a tissue cooling effect, which reduces the risk of so-called “secondary injuries”, which can be formed from the accumulation of blood and edema in the tissues.

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What are the benefits of vacuum banking therapy?

People suffering from pain are often ready to try alternative methods of treatment in order to feel better. There are many different conservative methods of treatment. Vacuum banking therapy is one of the methods that can help with pain, tension and stiffness of the musculoskeletal system. Vacuum [...]

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Why is it worth turning to fascia massage?

“Foam rolling” or self-massage using a fascia roller (also called fascia massage) is a popular method of rejuvenation. It is especially popular with athletes and therapists who daily work with soft tissue problems, muscle pain, tension, sprains, shortened muscles, high muscle tone, etc. Rolling with a fascia [...]

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Cryotherapy products for the treatment of acute injuries

4 excellent cryotherapy products for the treatment of acute injuries. After various injuries to muscles, ligaments and joints, or even after operations, both pain and sagging can be felt in the first days and weeks. Both of these factors not only slow down the recovery process, but [...]

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Kinesiological theories – what are they?

How did the kinesiological teip come about? Kinesiological theories appeared in the 70s. in the early years, when they were first developed by Japanese manual therapist Dr. Kenzo Kase in search of an alternative method of sports tattooing. He found that traditional sports teipping methods provided the [...]

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AERIFY Lymphatic Drainage Boots

Content: Aerify brand and products offered. Lymphatic drainage boots – what are they for and how can they help? Why choose the Aerify brand? Three different Aerify lymphatic drainage systems – how to choose the most suitable? How to use lymphatic drainage boots correctly? We offer you [...]

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BLACKROLL Workout Tools

BLACKROLL workout tools. Gymnastics at home does not have to be difficult or less effective than in the gym. It remains only to find the right exercises and suitable training tools. Here I will give a little insight about the BLACKROLL brand. On our site you will [...]

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Tips to treat Osgud Schlater’s disease

Sport and physical activity are very important for children’s health and growth. However, with active sports, various injuries and pains also come along. Parents often take their children to doctors and physiotherapists with complaints of knee pain. Although the causes of knee joint pain can be varied, [...]

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TENS procedure – for pain relief

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or TENS, is an electrotherapy procedure used to relieve pain. In medicine, such as rehabilitation and physiotherapy, electrotherapy is widely used in the treatment of various problems. TENS is commonly used to relieve pain in joints and muscles, as well as after surgery. [...]

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How to resume sports after the winter homestead?

During the cold winter months, the average level of physical activity usually decreases with the possible reduction in the range of activities. Perhaps not everyone will agree with this (especially adherents of winter sports), however, in the cold months of winter, people are less likely to engage [...]

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What you need to know to play sports in cool weather

Not everyone goes to the heart of sports in cold and wet weather, as it is now in the cold winter months. However, the weather should not limit the amount of physical activity. A sufficient amount of physical activity is important in all seasons. You can always [...]

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