Aesthetic theatricality with kinesiological teip

Beauty taping

For most people, kinesiological theorizing can be associated with sports or physiotherapy. However, kinesiological teips are also used for other purposes, such as aesthetic tattooing or “Beauty taping”. Aesthetic teipping methods are used to combat wrinkles.

What are the benefits of facial tattooing?

The kinesiological teip for the face is designed to improve lymph flow and help the body remove waste substances and fluids accumulated in the tissues. It can help relax muscles, thereby reducing the formation of wrinkles.

In the method of aesthetic tattooing, teips are applied to the skin. At various movements, the teip also stimulates the movement of soft tissues, for example, as during a light massage. This permanent “facial massage” helps to improve the tone of the facial muscles and helps to relieve tension. The method of aesthetic tattooing also helps to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system and stimulates local blood circulation.

Daily aesthetic stretching can help improve skin condition and reduce wrinkles.

Aesthetic tattooing can be used for prophylactic purposes to reduce skin aging. The correct method of applying the teip is important, which can be shown to you by a beauty specialist. Kinesiological teips can be useful not only for aesthetic tattooing, they can also be used for various other purposes – injuries, relieving tension, headaches, etc.

We recommend a good quality kinesiological teip!

When choosing a kinesiological teip, it is worth considering the quality of the teip. Less high-quality kinesiological teips often contain a layer of glue, which can cause itching and redness. When performing stretching on the face, it is especially important that such problems do not arise. That is why we recommend buying a high-quality kinesiological teip. Brands such as Curetape and K-Active have specially developed kinesiological theories for aesthetic theorizing. These teips are gentle, are made of cotton material, contain hypoallergenic glue and have excellent persistence

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Original price was: 15,50 €.Current price is: 14,50 €.

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