How to resume sports after the winter homestead?

During the cold winter months, the average level of physical activity usually decreases with the possible reduction in the range of activities. Perhaps not everyone will agree with this (especially adherents of winter sports), however, in the cold months of winter, people are less likely to engage in outdoor sports, less often go for walks in the fresh air and, in general, spend more time indoors. Part moves on to indoor sports, part starts a winter homestead and places their athletic attire somewhere in the closet for a nap. This year is unique when we don’t have access to indoor sports either – there are gyms, no team sports, no dancing groups, etc. All that remains is a very narrow range of possible sports – you can, of course, play sports yourself individually at home, performing various types of exercises, yoga exercises, tai chi exercises, therapeutic gymnastics, etc. The second option is to go outside – run around the stadium or go for a winter walk.

Not all people are ready for this. At the moment, it can be difficult to find an alternative to your favorite sports. However, it is important to remember that the mode of sitting at home and a sedentary lifestyle significantly impair a person’s physical, mental and emotional health, as well as the overall quality of life and well-being. Regular physical activity is an integral part of maintaining and improving a person’s state of health.

The Center for Disease Prevention and Control indicates that regular physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, oncological diseases. Regular physical activity not only improves the health of the musculoskeletal system, but also has a positive effect on our mental health and, in general, is associated with a higher quality of life. But it is important to know how to start physical activity correctly after a long winter break, and also to understand – what we want to achieve or improve with the start of physical activity.

The World Health Organization’s physical activity recommendations recommend that adults play sports for at least 150 minutes a week in medium exercise mode or 75 minutes a week in a high-load mode. As well as additionally practice strength exercises at least 2 times a week for the health of the musculoskeletal system. These recommendations can also be implemented during the home sitting, without special training equipment. Next, we will give you various tips on how to be more physically active and how to reduce a sedentary lifestyle during a home sitting.

  • Small breaks in physical activity – instead of sitting for several hours at the workbench or televisor, we schedule regular but small breaks in physical activity on the agenda. These can be classes of 5-10 minutes, every 1-2 hours during the day. During the break in these physical activities, the main principle is to move out – these can be some special exercises, they can be some homework, cleaning the house, taking out the trash, etc. Such small breaks in physical activity in general will help to achieve the desired number of recommended minutes of weekly physical activity.
  • Walking – it is advisable to go for regular walks. To limit a sedentary lifestyle, it is generally recommended to sit and sleep less, change positions more often or walk around the house. Therefore, walking is a great way to reduce this slipping into a particular position. In addition, walks in the fresh air, going for a walk, for example, through a backyard garden, park or forest, etc., are strictly recommended. With the advent of warmer and sunnier weather at the beginning of spring, it is increasingly pleasant to be in the fresh air. Therefore, it is desirable to plan physical activities in the fresh air – walking, jogging, cycling, etc.
  • Homework – various homework , spring cleaning of the house, gardening, wood cramming – these are just a few examples of how to connect what you need with the useful. Various homework perfectly helps to expend the accumulated energy, burn excess calories, and can also positively exercise our muscles, heart and lungs. Research papers with seniors have even shown that home and garden work are often as effective in promoting health as organized workouts and gymnastics.
  • Online gymnastics classes – currently there are various online training programs available – health gymnastics, stretching, tai chi, yoga, etc. If you do not come to attend group gymnastics classes or exercise independently, then online gymnastics classes are currently a great alternative to group classes. Various video materials on the Youtube portal, where many different exercises are available, are also great. Many both get upset or performing exercise incorrectly will not harm their health. However, it is important to remember that any physical activity is better than nothing.

Below we offer various examples of home exercises to be able to keep yourself in shape. It is important to remember that the exercises are illustrative and it is important to adjust them to your abilities. The proposed exercises are specially prepared to emphasize the versatile functioning of the body’s physical abilities – muscle strength, muscle endurance, heart and lung endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination. All these things make up the health of the physical body and therefore it is also important to emphasize them in the choice of exercises.

1. Low walking

We perform low walking, lifting our heels and bending our knees slightly, but without tearing our toes off the ground. Perform the task for 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds, make 3 runs. This is a warm-up exercise that will help the body prepare for further exercises.

2. High marching

We perform high walking, lifting the knees up approximately to the level of the hips, as well as performing opposite hand movements. Choose the appropriate pace for yourself. It is recommended to choose an average pace (about 50% of the maximum heartbeat), perform the task for 60 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds, make 3 runs. This exercise should increase the rate of breathing and heartbeat.

3. Balance exercise

The starting position is a straight posture on both legs, about shoulder width apart, hands placed on the hips. Completing the task – we stand on one leg, lifting the other leg bent in the knee at an angle of about 90 degrees. You should try to keep your balance for up to 3 seconds. Repeat the task 15 times with each side. A more complicated version – together with raising the leg, we try to raise both hands above the head, to hold the position for up to 3 seconds.

4. Zooms

The starting position is a straight posture on both legs, about shoulder width apart. Both feet are slightly directed outwards. When bending the knees, we make a zoom to an angle of about 90 degrees (We remember – the lower we squat, the harder it is to get up). It is important to pay attention to the technique of performing the task so as not to overload the knee joints. At the moment of squatting, both feet should remain completely near the ground (heels should not rise in the air), and also the knees should not go over the tips of the fingers. Complete this task 15 times, 3 runs. This exercise perfectly trains the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

5. The Little Bridge

The starting position is lying on your back, knees in a bent position and both feet placed on the ground. Completing the task is to raise your hips to a comfortable height. Ideally, the hips will form a straight line with the shoulders and knees. It is important not to raise the hips too high or until discomfort appears. Complete the task 15-20 times, 2-3 runs. This exercise perfectly trains the musculature of the back, buttocks and legs.

6. Supporting position

The starting position is lying on your stomach. To take a support position, we support on the forearms, raise the hips approximately to the level of the head. Elbows should be shoulder-width apart, just below the shoulders, so as not to overload the shoulder musculature. Hold the support position for 15-30 seconds so as not to overload the back, however, to feel the muscles of the abdominal press. Repeat 3 times. This exercise perfectly strengthens the musculature of the abdominal press, the muscles of the shoulders and arms, as well as the musculature of the legs.

7. Back muscle strengthening exercise

The starting position is lying on your stomach. Hands position in front. Completing the task is to raise your shoulders and arms off the ground, and hold the position for up to 10 seconds. It is important not to overload the spine, so you need to lift your shoulders and arms off the ground only slightly – this way there is no exaggerated curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. Repeat the task 3-4 times. This exercise perfectly strengthens the back muscles.

8. Diagonal arm/leg lifting

The starting position of the task is on all fours. It is important to position the palms directly under the shoulders, as well as the knees directly below the hips – thus taking the most stable position. Completing the task is lifting the opposite arm/leg (diagonal movement). It is necessary to try to raise the arm and leg to the level of the back. The gaze is directed downwards. The back should be tried to be kept in a neutral position (straight). Complete the task 10-15 times with each side. Complete the task a total of 2 times. This exercise strengthens and stabilizes the muscles of the torso.

9. Back stretching exercise

The starting position of the task is on all fours. We lower our hips down, “sitting down” on both feet. We lower our heads down and stretch with both hands forward. It is necessary to try to breathe evenly and calmly so that the musculature is able to relax. The position taken should be tried to be held for 30-60 seconds. This exercise helps to stretch the back and shoulders. Repeat 2-3 times.

10. Back stretching exercise (cat-cow position)

The starting position of the task is on all fours. It is important to position the palms directly under the shoulders, as well as the knees directly below the hips – thus taking the most stable position. The performance of the “cat” exercise is to stretch to the cut with the shoulder blades and bent back, hold the position for 3-5 seconds, then turn into the starting position. The performance of the “cow” exercise is to lower the abdomen down, arching down the back as well. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds, then turn to the starting position. Complete each task 10 times. This exercise perfectly helps to move the spine, encompassing all five parts of the spine.

11. Back stretching exercise

At the beginning of the task, take a lying position on your back with both legs lowered to the ground. We bend the knee and grab it with both hands – pulling it to the chest. During the performance of the task, it is necessary to try to relax the muscles of the lower back. The task can be performed one leg at a time, as well as with both legs together (then both feet can be crossed together). Hold the stretching position for 20-30 seconds, repeat 2-3 times. This exercise helps to stretch the muscles of the lower back.

12. Back stretching exercise

At the beginning of the task, take a lying position on your back with both legs bent at the knees, as well as feet near the ground. We put both the knees and the feet together completely. Position both hands wide so that the arms, shoulders and shoulder blades remain on the ground during the execution of the task. The task is to stretch the lower back, lowering both knees laterally down. Hold the position taken for 3-5 seconds, and then swap sides. Perform the exercise up to 10 times on each side. This exercise helps to stretch the muscles of the lower back.

When starting gymnastics at home, any gymnastics equipment will not be superfluous either. For example, you can start with a gymnastic mat – thus, you will already make gymnastics classes much more comfortable, pleasant and of higher quality. If during exercise the hard floor presses on the knees or back, it is very likely that most people will skip these exercises. However, the range of exercises should be wide – the same exercises will not be enough. First of all, you will get tired of doing the same exercises yourself. Secondly, the body needs a variety of exercises to achieve a comprehensive positive effect of gymnastics.

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