When treating injuries, cryotherapy is a great helper – cryotherapy has a tissue cooling effect, which reduces the risk of so-called “secondary injuries”, which can be formed from the accumulation of blood and edema in the tissues. The cryo-compression system combines 2 of the 4 main rules of first aid for injuries. For sports injuries, muscle sprains, overload injuries, first aid is carried out according to the RICE principle (R – rest, I – ice, C – compression, E – elevation). This means that the Aerify Cryoboots cryo-compression system perfectly combines these rules of first aid. The pietam system can also be used by lifting and holding the leg in the elevation position, thus helping the edema to pass even faster.
Cryotherapy is effective in relieving pain, relieving edema, relieving the inflammatory process. It helps to recover faster and recover from injuries. About the cryocompression system of Aerify Cryoboots then we will also describe in this blog post. Many thanks to Aerify Recovery brand creator Arthur Dedzis for the interview!
1. Cryocompression – combines cold with compression. Why is it necessary to combine these two methods?
The principle of RICE is known to many, which is a generally accepted principle of treatment of acute injuries, sports injuries, muscle sprains, overload injuries. RICE includes – rest, ice, compression, elevation. Cold and compression then come together are the 2 necessary factors at the treatment of acute injuries. Cold alone is not enough to relieve swelling and pain caused by injury or overload. Compression is necessary to prevent the formation of edema and to allow the cold to act deeper into the tissues. That is why this cryocompression system was created, which includes both a cooling effect and a compression effect. When squeezing soft tissues, the cold is not only deepened, but also the effect itself lasts longer. That is why it is important to combine cold with compression. For example, when putting on an ordinary cold package without pressure or using the usual cooling gel, the cold effect is not nearly as strong, but also not so long. If with a cold package the cooling effect can be for 3-5 minutes., then with such an application of the cryocompression system, the cooling effect will continue for the next 20 minutes after the end of therapy. Cold or ice should not be laid indefinitely. It is usually recommended to put a cold for 20 minutes, use it 4-5 times a day for acute injuries, and observe an interval of at least 1 hour between each application. That’s why it’s also important how effective this cold/ice app has actually been.
2. What is the difference between the Aerify Cryboots cryocompression system and other similar products?
2.1. Price
When thinking about buying a cryocompression system, the price of the device is one of the most important factors. When developing the Aerify Cryoboots cryocompression system, the availability of the system or the possibility of purchasing power was also thought about. Various cryocompression systems can be found on the market and one of the most popular is Game Ready, which is clearly a quality system, but at the same time very expensive. Game Ready is an American brand and these cryocompression systems are widely used in America’s leading sports leagues: the National Basketball Association (NBA), the National Hockey League (NHL), the National Football League (NFL), the Major League Soccer (MLS), etc.
Game Ready is clearly one of the industry leaders. However, this system, applicators, accessories, and also spare parts are expensive. Aerify Cryoboots is also designed with cost and device availability in mind. The standard price for the Game Ready system with a pair of applicators is 4000-5000 EUR. Rarely can a person afford such a system for individual home use. The Aerify Cryoboots system together with 2 foot boots is under 1000 EUR. In addition, shoulder, knee, elbow, ankle collars for the Aerify system cost around 100 EUR each. While the price of Game Ready appliquors can vary from 400-600 EUR. Therefore, the Aerify system is much more accessible not only for professional sports clubs, but also for individual use at home, both for athletes and for other people. It can be used for recovery after hard workouts, as well as for the treatment of injuries or after operations.
2.2. Quality
Despite the most affordable price against basically any other cryo-compression therapy device available on the market, Aerify Cryoboots is manufactured to the highest quality standards. Both the boots and the rest of the applicators are made of easy-to-care nylon, carefully sheathed, while patented CPC connectors are used as connections to the device, which ensures simple and quick connection, as well as long service life. Therefore, Aerify provides a 2-year warranty on both the device, any component and applicators. As a standard of appropriate quality, there is, of course, also CE certification.
2.3. Handy and easy-to-carry system
The Aerify Cryoboots system was designed to be very handy, easy to use and easy to carry. For example, an ice-water bucket is easily folded.
In the Game Ready system, ice and water are filled into the control system box. So the Game Ready control system and the ice-water box are combined. Aerify Cryoboots, in turn, the control system is built on the console. And the ice-water bucket is formed separately. In addition, the Aerify Cryoboots system has an independent water pump, which means that the water pump will work in any container, bucket or box containing water and ice. It can be very conveniently placed straight into a regular ice box, filling it with water. An independent water pump is an additional plus for the Aerify system, as the water pump can be placed in any bucket of water or container found at home. While in the Game Ready system, both the control system, the water pump and the ice-water box are combined into one. If one of these elements breaks, the system must be immediately put into repair.
Aerify Cryboots ice-water bucket and water pump
Control system console – time, temperature and modes can be adjusted
2.4. Available volume of circulation water.
The Aerify Cryoboots independent water pump can be used in various water-ice boxes, buckets or ordinary containers. What does it really give? To increase the volume of cold water, the water pump can be placed in a larger water container. The greater amount of cold water available will also improve the effectiveness of cryocompression therapy at large plaque attackers. For example, when using 2-foot boots, a sufficient volume of cold water is required. The required amount of water for Aerify Cryoboots M size boots is 6-7l, for L-size boots at least 8l of water. These boots, however, are large enough, as they can be used to treat both legs at the same time, starting from the feet to the top of the thighs of the legs.
In the Game Ready system, it is recommended to pour up to 1.5 liters of water, and then fill the water-ice box with ice to the top. This volume of cold water is usually designed for a 1-foot boot. It is also possible to add a second one, but then an additional water pipe with 2 ends is required, which, first of all, will again require additional investments. Secondly, seemingly on the 2 large leg circles, 1.5l of water may not be enough to create the desired cooling effect. The Aerify Cryoboots water pump can be placed in large ice-water boxes, which will ensure sufficient circulation of cold water, thereby also providing a sufficient cooling effect.
Aerify Cryboots ice-water bucket and water pump
Ice box with a volume of 10l and a water pump
2.5. Temperature.
The optimum temperature for cryotherapy is between 4 and 12 °C. There is no real need for colder, because then you can get a skin burn. The Aerify Cryoboots system once provides this desired temperature from 4 to 12 °C. However, much depends on the amount of water/ice that the user himself chooses to control. Cryotherapy, or cold, has various positive effects, for example, cold helps control inflammation, relieve pain and edema. The cold also helps in the post-traumatic recovery process, lowering muscle temperature, relieving pain and muscle cramps, and relieving inflammatory processes. For the Aerify Cryoboots system, the control system is built in a remote control, with the help of which you can also easily monitor the temperature of the water.
2.6. A variety of applications are available – foot boots, knee/elbow, ankle and shoulder.
The Aerify Cryoboots cryocompression system comes with a pair of boots in size M or L at the user’s choice. In addition, you can also purchase applicators for the knee, ankle and shoulder. A big plus is that these applicates can be used both on the right and on the left. For example, for the Game Ready system, you need to purchase a separate envelope for both the left and right shoulders. For the Aerify Cryoboots system, this is not a problem – one envelope fits both sides. The knee sloppiper can also be used for the elbow – again, both left and right. These additional applicates are a great helper in injuries, arthritis pain or after surgeries. Shoulder, knee, ankle – these joints also often suffer from sports injuries. Therefore, cold and compression therapy will be a great help in the treatment of injuries.
Aerify Cryoboots boots during therapy
Aerify Cryoboots boots in expanded form
Aerify Cryoboots Shoulder
Aerify Cryoboots Ankle
Aerify Cryoboots knee (can also be put on the elbow)
2.7. What are the sensations when using the Aerify Cryoboots cryocompression system?
When you try the cryocompression system, the sensations are very pleasant. The system provides a powerful cooling and compression effect. The temperature can be adjusted both with the control panel and, of course, by choosing the amount of ice. The more ice is placed in the ice bucket, the colder the circulating water will also be. Cryocompression therapy with boots seemed especially pleasant, because then the effect of the therapy is distributed immediately on both legs at full length. In addition, the compression effect on the caviar and thighs felt very good. The compression pressure level can also be changed by the user himself using a hand pump. It is necessary to add the pressure level manually, “blowing up” these boots yourself to the desired level.
Air pump with which you can adjust the pressure level in boots
3. How did the idea of creating the Aerify brand and its products – lymphatic drainage system and cryocompression system – come about?
The idea of creating Aerify was quite simple. I myself was engaged in triathlon and around 2015/2016. for a year I began to be interested in methods of rejuvenation, because it seemed that the body around the age of 30 was not one that would very quickly recover on its own, as it was in 18 or 25 years. That’s why I became more interested in additional factors that can improve athletic performance and recovery. For example, choosing better equipment, better running shoes, I began to attend physiotherapy classes, where the physiotherapist also helped not only to train the body, but also trained in various methods of rejuvenation. I myself also became interested in additional rejuvenation methods, how the body can be further helped both to recover after loads and to prepare for athletic loads. At that time, such well-known and topical recovery devices as the lymphatic drainage system, cryotherapy system or massage guns were not yet as common as they are today. Therefore, the idea arose that we ourselves could also go in this direction. We consulted with industry specialists, we also went to a factory in Europe, where lymphatic drainage systems were manufactured. We wondered what we could create as we would like. So step by step we also developed the brand’s products. Specifically, the Aerify Charge model is one that I myself have also drawn, thought about, and created.
After the creation of the lymphatic drainage system, we began to think about the next product. The idea arose that a cryocompression system should be created, since at that time the main industry leader and the only full-fledged competitor was Game Ready. Other similar products had various flaws. Therefore, we wanted to create a cryocompression system that is not only designed for recovery, but also helps with injuries, surgeries and rehabilitation. Not everyone can afford Game Ready and not everyone also knows about such a product. Therefore, we saw the potential to develop products in the cryocompression field as well. The first Aerify Cryoboots model was developed in 2021. In the spring of the year and during this year, it was also clear what improvements are needed for the new models, which we are currently working. The new model is planned for sale already in 2023. per year, including all the necessary improvements, but also at the same time keeping the appalling price below EUR 1000.
3.1. The new Aerify Cryoboots model will have an integrated battery
One of the innovations will be the integrated battery. Therefore, it will also be possible to take the system with you to games or on the pitches. The integrated battery also provides the same power as the power-operated device. This battery will be able to power the device for up to 12 hours.
3.2. In the new Aerify Cryoboots model, the water bucket will be integrated into the backpack
The downside of the Aerify Cryoboots water-ice bucket is that in hot weather the ice melts quickly and therefore the developer is currently working on a new, efficient water-ice bucket model that will include both all previous quality features and improve water-ice temperature storage. The new Cryoboots water-ice pack is planned in a backpack. The developer of Aerify wants to make this design as comfortable and portable as possible. Therefore, the idea arose to combine this water-ice pack with a backpack, which will be with an insulating layer about 3cm thick.