Why is it worth turning to fascia massage?

“Foam rolling” or self-massage using a fascia roller (also called fascia massage) is a popular [...]

Cryotherapy products for the treatment of acute injuries

4 excellent cryotherapy products for the treatment of acute injuries. After various injuries to muscles, [...]

Kinesiological theories – what are they?

How did the kinesiological teip come about? Kinesiological theories appeared in the 70s. in the [...]

AERIFY Lymphatic Drainage Boots

Content: Aerify brand and products offered. Lymphatic drainage boots – what are they for and [...]

BLACKROLL Workout Tools

BLACKROLL workout tools. Gymnastics at home does not have to be difficult or less effective [...]

Tips to treat Osgud Schlater’s disease

Sport and physical activity are very important for children’s health and growth. However, with active [...]

TENS procedure – for pain relief

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or TENS, is an electrotherapy procedure used to relieve pain. In [...]

How to resume sports after the winter homestead?

During the cold winter months, the average level of physical activity usually decreases with the [...]

What you need to know to play sports in cool weather

Not everyone goes to the heart of sports in cold and wet weather, as it [...]